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For more databases to be added, simply email the HPC Systems Administrator.
For more databases to be added, simply email the HPC Systems Administrator.
'An example blast'
''An example blast''

Revision as of 15:56, 26 July 2013

BLAST can be loaded using the following command;

 [user@ernie ]# module load BLAST/blast-2.2.26

This loads both blast-2.2.26 and ncbi-blast-2.2.26+, giving you access to commands such as;

 blastall blastclust blastdb_aliastool blastdbcheck blastdbcmd blast_formatter blastn blastp blastpgp blastx             

There are several ncbi databases installed on the HPC;

 16SMicrobial env_nt nt refseq_protein refseq_rna nr 

These are automatically checked every two weeks and updated if the blast update script finds newer versions.

The database directory is located;


For more databases to be added, simply email the HPC Systems Administrator.

An example blast