26th July 2013

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Present: Narcis FF., Ian A., Iain D., Johns (Doonan, Draper and Norris), Lin H., Martins (Swain and Vickers), Manfred B., Matt H., Rob V.

Narcis ran through the presentation given to the SIAB meeting last week. Updated recruitment news: David joined last week, plus Martin Vickers for bioinformatics support, with 1 other position under negotation, probably starting in October. Matt H. also has somebody starting soon.

Narcis gave an outline of installed tools with easy-to-use interfaces now or shortly available on the system. These included Blast on various user defined datasets (e.g. transcriptome assemblies), Blast2GO, and the Galaxy workflow system that provides a point and click interface to various bioinformatics tools.

Discussion on the importantance of using existing bioinformatics tools where possible in our bioinformatics infrastructure.

Discussion on investigating up to 4 sophisticated bioinformatics use-cases that would help us define a set of requirements that the bioinformatics infrastructure should meet. With these use-cases it would be important to have at least 1 person who is willing to spend the time explaining the use-case to the bioinformaticians, especially to David W.

Some potential use-cases (and contact people) included Oats MAGIC populations with phenomics, metabolomics, and RNA-Seq data (Rob Vickerstaff), Miscanthus with phenomics data (Tom Wilson, Gancho, M. Scott, Lin H., Mandy L.), the Rumen ISPG with metagenomics, transcriptomics and metabolomic data (Martin S).

Aim of the use-cases is to sketch out the science (e.g. grant proposals) we want to be doing in a couple of years time, and so they need to focus on more than just immediate needs.

Possibly we could collect the data management policies that are part of research proposals that have been provided to the research councils via JES.