Main Page

From IBERS Bioinformatics and HPC Wiki
Revision as of 16:15, 8 January 2014 by Mjv08 (talk | contribs) (Best Practice)
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Welcome to the HPC Wiki for the Bioinformatics research group at Aberystwyth University. The aim of this wiki is to allow researchers in the field of Bioinformatics in IBERS at Aberystwyth to document common tasks using the High Performance Computing cluster.

HPC Guides

Bert and Ernie - An Overview

Quick start

Your disk space

Module Environment

Submitting your job using SGE

Complex submissions

Monitoring your jobs

Available Software

UNIX Graphical interface


Bioinformatics Working Group related

Meeting minutes

Special HPC Workflows



Active Perl


Other Services


Best Practice

Running BLAST optimally

Use scratch space

Quick note to self - mjv08

ln -s /cm/shared/apps/bacula/bacula /var/spool/bacula