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Galaxy Mapping Workshop – 8th February

We will be rerunning the first workshop that it was held on 10th December and it had to do with mapping reads and visualisation. This is an initial introduction and it is important for all further Galaxy workshops which will address specific bioinformatics analyses.

It is scheduled for Monday 8th February, 12 pm to 1 pm, in the computer room Cledwyn G24.

If you want to attend, please send me an email to reserve a place: Vasilis Lenis [vpl] vpl@aber.ac.uk. The workshop will be held in small group so will be first come, first served.

We are planning to run a series of such Galaxy workshops, so please let us know if you can’t make this time but would want to attend an alternative. We are also keen to have suggestions for further topics and analyses to cover in Galaxy.

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