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To  keep  things  well  organized,  you  can  create  a  folder  to  store  the  index  (name  it  for  
To  keep  things  well  organized,  you  can  create  a  folder  to  store  the  index  (name  it  for  
example '''bt2Index''' or any other name you like):
example '''bt2Index''' or any other name you like):
$ mkdir bt2Index
Once  you  created  the  folder,  let’s  open  a  text  file  with  a  text  editor.  You  can  call  the  file  any name you want, for example '''bowtie2index.sh'''. Write at the beginning of the file  the header for the scheduler, and then load the required modules:
#$ -S /bin/sh
#$ -cwd
#$ -q amd.q,large.q,intel.q
#$ -l h_vmem=10G
#$ -e run_bowtie_index.e
#$ -N run_bowtie_index
#$ -o run_bowtie_index.o
module load bowtie/2.2.3

Revision as of 11:10, 4 February 2016

To map reads to a reference genome, all mapping tools require the genome to be converted into particular structures for quick access and to keep the memory footprint small. In this tutorial we will use tophat2 for the transcriptome reconstruction, which in turn requires bowtie2 to run for the read mapping to the genome. Bowtie2 needs the genome to be indexed using the BurrowsAWheeler transform, and provides a tool (bowtie2-build) to obtain this transformation starting from the genome sequence stored in a text file in fasta format. You will also try another mapper, STAR, which performs quite well and can be easily integrated with cufflinks/cuffdif, as you will see later.

Let’s first look at the bowtie2-build options:

$ module load bowtie2
$ bowtie2-build --help

The general usage is:


bowtie2-build [options]* <reference_in> <bt2_index_base>

You need to specify the genomic sequence file (reference_in) and a label to identify the index (bt2_index_base), which will be the prefix of all files written by bowtie2-build. Copy a folder containing the genomic sequence with the following command:

$ cp –r /ibers/repository/public/courses/Rna-Seq/genome .

Check the content of the genome folder that you just copied:

$ ls –l genome

Have a look at the file with the commands more or head. This is a file in fasta format, widely used for storing nucleotide or amino acid sequences. The first row, and any row starting with >, is the name of the sequence. For this tutorial, only the zebrafish chromosome 12 is in this file, and all the reads were already filtered for mapping on it. Try to count the number of nucleotides in the chromosome 12: knowing that each row in the fasta file contains 60 nucleotides, how would you know the chromosome size? To keep things well organized, you can create a folder to store the index (name it for example bt2Index or any other name you like):

$ mkdir bt2Index

Once you created the folder, let’s open a text file with a text editor. You can call the file any name you want, for example bowtie2index.sh. Write at the beginning of the file the header for the scheduler, and then load the required modules:

#$ -S /bin/sh
#$ -cwd
#$ -q amd.q,large.q,intel.q
#$ -l h_vmem=10G
#$ -e run_bowtie_index.e
#$ -N run_bowtie_index
#$ -o run_bowtie_index.o
module load bowtie/2.2.3