Main Page
Welcome to the HPC Wiki for the Bioinformatics research group at Aberystwyth University. The aim of this wiki is to allow researchers in the field of Bioinformatics in IBERS at Aberystwyth to document common tasks using the High Performance Computing cluster.
- 1 Editing this Wiki
- 2 Troubleshooting
- 3 Remote Working Resources
- 4 Super Computing Wales Guides
- 5 IBERS HPC Guides
- 6 Tools to access the HPC (Windows)
- 7 Slides and Talks
- 8 Bioinformatics Working Group related
- 9 Special HPC Workflows
- 10 Other Services
- 11 Best Practice
- 12 Tutorials
- 13 Tips
- 14 Workarounds
Editing this Wiki
Please email to ask for access to edit this wiki.
Please read these sections if you are having trouble. There is a chance that you can resolve the problem on your own and ask for help more effectively otherwise. Some (most) of these ideas are shamelessly taken from the stackoverflow help pages.
Remote Working Resources
Copying files with SCP/WinSCP/Filezilla/Cyberduck
Video conferencing and collaboration tools
Running graphical programs remotely
Super Computing Wales Guides
Using the HPC
Submitting your job using Slurm
Tools to access the HPC (Windows)
Slides and Talks
Special HPC Workflows
Other Services
Best Practice
RNA Seq on HPC (using Trinity)