6.3 Transcriptome reconstruction and expression using cufflinks
There are a number of tools that perform reconstruction of the transcriptome and for this workshop you are going to use cufflinks, which can do transcriptome assembly with and without a reference annotation. It also quantifies the isoform expression in FPKMs. Let’s import the cufflinks module and check its (rather long) list of parameters:
$ module load cufflinks/2.1.1 $ cufflinks --help You are going to use cufflinks with the Ensembl annotation file for zebrafish limiting the transcriptome reconstruction strictly to the available annotations. You could also use the annotations as a guide but letting the algorithm look also for transcribed loci not included in the annotations. In the first case cufflinks will only report isoforms that are included in the annotation, while in the latter case it will report novel isoforms as well. First, copy the annotation file from Ensembl for chromosome 12 of Danio rerio: $ cp –r /pico/home/userexternal/fferre00/tutorial/annotations .
Then let’s create a folder for the cufflinks output storage:
$ mkdir cuff_out